Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Vampire Slayer

As you walk through your office, chances are your path is marked by various electronic devices and appliances which bear the faint glow of a “standby” light. These ready to operate appliances act as energy vampires, silently sucking up power when they’re not in use.
Everyone at Alberta Venture turns off and unplugs any unnecessary electronic appliances. But we thought it would still be fun to find out how much it cost to power our favourite office items, when left on and unattended to. Using an energy meter over a 24 hour period we came up with the following tallies.

Cost to Power
Photocopier = $0.78
Printer = $1.04
Computer CPU = $1.19


Tracy Hyatt said...

$1.04 for the printer every night? That's crazy man. If I volunteered to turn off the printer every night, do you think Ruth, our publisher, would put those savings back into my pay each month. That's $360 a year. I hope she reads this.

Joyce Byrne said...

Jesse. How much power does a conventional toaster use versus a toaster oven? I'm convinced that little oven is a veritable bottomless pit of power usage.

prodboy said...

But Tracy, someone might turn the printer ON again in the morning. If we unplugged it and put it in an ecologically responsible recycle area, we could save $1080 per year. Think Big Green Thoughts!